Social security disability is known for the long delays it takes to get approved. You can go through two appeals after the initial denial. However early help can be helpful in moving the case forward.
The first thing is to get an experienced social security attorney to either fill out the forms for the initial application or advise you what to do. There are certain ways to phrase your injury and it's affects that can be critical. you must relate your injury or illness to how it affects basic work activities such as standing , sitting, lifting, walking, fingering, concentrating.
Additionally the date of onset is important. It is not always the date you last worked. That date may be an unsuccessful work attempt and your earlier time on not working should be used.
Also if your case gets denied through the law judge level you may be able to get a decision on the record. Again an experienced social security disability lawyer can advise you and get a decision on the record if appropriate. This means you may not have to wait for up to 1-2 years just to have the judge hear your case personally.
If you are not going to be able to work for one full year call Cincinnati personal injury lawyer Anthony Castelli for a free case audit at 1-800-447-6549