The social security terms can be confusing. You here about SSI , supplemental security income, as well as SSDI social security disability income and wonder what is the difference. We have answers for you at our new web site. The domain name is social security disability assist. We have styled the title Social Security disability lawyers Cincinnati & Ohio because we want to serve the Ohio population and particularly the Cincinnati population.
Although the social security administration is a national program there is local knowledge involved when dealing with the administrative law judges and the vocational experts they hire . These experts can sink your claim. So it is helpful to have a local lawyer that meets with you , helps you with your application and follows and guides as well as prepares your case every step of the way.
Qualifying For Benefits Does Not Mean You Will Win Your Social Security Claim
There are certain criteria that you will learn that you need to meet to qualify for social security disability income or supplemental security income. For example the durational requirement. How long must you be unable to perform substantial gainful employment? We explain this and many other questions in easy to understand words.
What Steps You Should Take Right Now
So how do you find out if you qualify . And just as, or even more importantly, how do you put your disability application forward so you have the best chance of winning.? There are certain things you need to bring in as evidence that are critical. There are literally hundreds of things that can impact your claim. But we said we were trying to make this simple. So here are the steps we suggest after representing disabled for over 32 years.
1. Click on this link Cincinnati Ohio Social Security Disability Attorney Anthony Castelli. This will take you to the place where you can answer the 5 questions that will help us determine if you qualify for disability. By doing so you are agreeing that you want us to contact you so we can discuss your claim and answer your questions
2. If we decide in our opinion that you qualify, we will also make a second decision whether we think we can help you win your claim. If so, we will gladly help you if you decide to hire us to represent you.
3. We will then meet with you to get to know you and you life story so we can represent you to the best of our ability.
What if You have Already Been Denied
If you have already been denied you need to act fast . The time is running for you to appeal .We can help you there if we take your claim .Social security denies deserving people. Over the years we have won many more cases than we have lost even after an initial denial. So a denial does not scare us or bother us. But you must act quickly.
You Can Afford a Social Security Disabiltiy Lawyer
Just click on the link above if you are worried about how you will pay us. I believe your worries will be eliminated by reading how we get paid. No money down. No hourly bills. With your financial future at stake it's time to see if you qualify for social security disability and find out if our 32 years experience of results can help you secure your future.
By Anthony Castelli Attorney
Cincinnati Ohio
Also representing disabled in Columbus and Dayton
513-621-2345 Free consultation
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