Saturday, May 19, 2012

Social Security Disability Benefits In Cincinnati Are Hard To win

As a Cincinnati social securitty disability attorney I know that social security disability benefits are difficult to win. Recently an oped piece in USA today attacked the social security disabiliy system allowances as being based on recession. This is just misguided.

After practicing social security law for 30 years I have never had a client that could work get granted benefits. Although I have thought worthy claimants had been denied. This is born out by reversals and remands by the apppeals council of disallowances by the administrative law judge.

At one point the articlestates, " The appeals phase appears to be particularly problematic. In recent years, judges have been overturning the initial rejection rates at about 60 %. Their decisions vary wildly from region to region and judge to judge. A few judges approve virtually all the cases they hear — making them equivalent of "easy A" professors."

The truth is very few judges are pushovers and many judges only grant 30% of the cases they hear. Part of the reason for judges granting benefits is that it is  where a Cincinnati social security disability lawyer can be most successful. A lawyer can put all his skills to work in front of the judge.

Today's Social Security Disability Insurance bureau is huge,  costly and with flaws. But it deserves to be improved, not berated. Claimants' representatives play an important role by discouraging poor applications and helping those who can prove disability navigate a difficult  an often unfair bureaucracy.

By Anthony Castelli Cincinnati social security disability lawyer. Call today for a free case evaluation and to file in our office to avoid standing in line at the social security office.  513-621-2345

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Social Security Disability Application Winning Your Heart Attack Claim by Cincinnati SSI Lawyer

Winning a Social security disability claim for a heart attack is not always easy. There are two ways to win your case if you have asked the question,  "Do I have a claim for social security disability for my heart attack." As in all cases you must prove you can not perform gainful employment for one full year.

The two ways to win your case are either 1) to prove you meet a cardiovascular listing or 2) if you do not meet the listing to prove that you are incapable of your former work and and work that exists in significant numbers in the economy because of your limitations.

The cardiovascular listing must result from one or more of four consequences of heart disease:

 1. Chronic heart failure or ventricular dysfunction

 2. Discomfort or pain due to myocardial ischemia, with or without necrosis

 3. Syncope or near syncope, due to inadequate cerebral perfusion from any cardiac cause

  4. Central cyanosis due to right to left shunt, arterial desaturation. or pulmonary vascular disease.

Listing 4.0 heart cardiovascular problems lists 11 distinct categories that you can meet including chronic heart failure, hypertensive cardiovascular disease, recurrent arryhthmias among the 11.

  Some of the more significant evidence social security looks at is x-rays of cardiac enlargement, stress test and ejection fraction. A left ventricular ejection fraction  of 30 % or less is a good indicator of lisitng level severity for the residuals from a heart attack This usually needs to be recorded 3 months after the cardiac event.

This link will get you to the complete cardiac listing.

For more complete information about your social security application go to our Cincinnati Social security disability learning center .

As a social security attorney for over 30 years I would be happy to meet with you at no cost to see if I can help you win your claim.

Anthony Castelli Attorney Cincinnati social Security law
8170 Corporate Park Drive #220
Cincinnati, Ohio