Monday, September 21, 2009

Social Securiy disability Application process

The social security application process starts with a phone call to the social security office. They will send you forms and I recommend you make an appointment to bring them in face to face. Many deserving claimants get denied. You have 60 days to appeal.

The first appeal is called a request for reconsideration. Social security may gather some more medical records but usually this still results in another deinal.

By now you should hire an experienced social security disability attorney. You are now going to appeal and request a hearing in front of the administrative law judge. You will get to meet them face to face. You are not required but you have a beter chance of winning if you have an experienced social security disability attorney with you. This step could take 18 months before you have a hearing. In limited cases an attorney might move this along faster.

An experienced social security disability can help you through the process . The statistics show represented claimants win more of their cases than unrepresented claimants.

by Anthony Castelli a Cincinnati social security disability attorney. He welcomes your calls for a free consultation at 513-621-2345


Call 1-800-447-6549 or 513-621-2345

For a Free Disability Case Evaluation